- Chief Executive Officer
- Presides at Executive meetings
- Sets the Club's vision and provides leadership
- Trains, supervises, coaches & applauds fellow Officers
- Votes on behalf of the Club at Area, Division, District, Region
& International
Vice-President Education
- Plans dynamic Club meetings.
- Promotes the Toastmasters educational program to Club members.
- Orients new members to the Toastmasters program and to the Club.
- Makes sure all members understand the importance of excellent
evaluations and know how to evaluate.
- Arranges for Speechcraft and other Success/Communication
and Success/Leadership
Programs to be conducted inside or outside of the Club.
- Arranges for the Club to conduct Youth
Leadership Programs.
- Encourages members to participate in other Toastmasters activities
and programs.
- Administers speech contests.
- Organizes a Speakers Bureau.
- Chairs the Education Committee.
- Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.
- Presides in the absence of the President.
- Attends and votes at Area and District council meetings.
- Votes at Regional and International business meetings.
Vice-President Membership
- Builds Club membership.
- Increases member satisfaction.
- Prepares the Semiannual Membership Report.
- Chairs the Membership Committee.
- Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.
- Attends and votes at Area Council meetings.
Vice-President Public Relations
- Plans a public relations program.
- Prepares publicity materials.
- Produces a Club newsletter.
- Writes for the company publication.
- Chairs the Public Relations Committee.
- Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.
- Maintains an accurate membership roster.
- Records and reads meeting minutes.
- Assists with the Semiannual Membership Report.
- Reports new officers to World Headquarters.
- Prepares and mails orders for Toastmasters supplies.
- Circulates TIPS, the Supply Catalog and The Toastmaster
- Keeps the Club Constitution and Bylaws.
- Maintains general Club correspondence.
- Prepares an annual budget for the Club.
- Provides the bank with a new signature card.
- Notifies each Club member in writing of dues payable.
- Collects payable dues and fees.
- Issues checks to World Headquarters for semiannual membership
dues/New Member Fees.
- Pays all bills promptly.
- Keeps complete and accurate records of all financial transactions.
- Presents a verbal and written financial report monthly.
- Submits Club accounts for audit.
Sergeant At Arms
- Arranges room and equipment for each meeting.
- Greets all guests and members at each meeting,
- Arranges for food service at meal meetings.
- Collects ballots and tallies votes for awards.
- Maintains all Club equipment and materials.
- Chairs the Social and Reception Committee.
- Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.
Immediate Past President
- Chairs the Nominating Committee
- Helps with the Distinguished
Club Program/Club Success Plan
- Promotes the Club's efforts to become a Distinguished Club
- Provides guidance and serves as a resource to Club officers and
(source: "When You are the President" manual) |
The names "Toastmasters International",
"Toastmasters", and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks
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